Anna's Creative Lab

Irénke Emlékkönyve 1912 – Antique Autograph Book

Another Hungarian antique autograph book. Irénke received it as a gift from her brother for her 13th birthday on 30 August, 1912. The cover has an Art Nouveau (a.k.a Szecesszió/Jugendstil) metal embellishment, which was not attached to the cover when I purchased it (probalby fell off a long time ago). The metal piece had to be glued back after straightening the hanging parts, and re-touching the gold paint on it. There was no image in the round frame, so I inserted this cute photo of the white flowers (from a home decor magazine…:)) as I thought it goes really well with the olive green velvet cover.

Originally the book had no illustrations (save for the one first page which is a pre-inserted print that came with such autograph books), so I decided to add a few Art Nouveau images here and there, most of which are the designs of Alphonse Mucha the famous Art Nouveau graphic illustrator. The Art Nouveau style had already reached its peak by the time Irénke started the book, but now it is also a hopefully appropriate representation of this artistic movement. I hope Irénke would like it too! (And yes, those are more than 100 year-old pressed flowers you see on a few pages!)

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